At our addiction recovery clinic, we’re dedicated to providing our clients with as many options for treatment as possible. We know that not every treatment will work equally well for every client, and in order to circumvent this unfortunately fact, we have curated a full complement of addiction recovery treatment strategies with which to provide our clients. We want our clients to have access to the addiction recovery treatment they’ll need to face substance abuse and come out ahead, and because the treatments that will work best will vary from client to client, we have a full spectrum of available options to suit every client’s needs.



Drug Rehab Program Highlights.

Our Promises to You
The PROMISES you keep today
define the life you lead tomorrow.
Many clients are apprehensive about group therapy at first, but soon it becomes one of their favorite aspects of treatment.
In addition to group therapy sessions, we also provide individual therapy sessions. During individual therapy, you will meet with your counsellor on a one-on-one basis. There, you’ll be given the opportunity to speak about anything you’d like, with the full confidence that comes with knowing that your information will not be shared. We know that there are certain thoughts and feelings that you need to discuss, but which cannot be brought up in the group therapy setting. For this reason, we provide our clients with the opportunity to speak with their addiction recovery specialist in a private setting, so that their personal information can be preserved.